Working with Boards

Person with a moustache smiling and holding a kite

A key strand of our work involves supporting art centre leaders to grow in confidence and efficiency when working with their Board and managing governance processes.

We recognise there are a range of challenges facing cultural leaders, including arts centre executives, when engaging with and managing their Boards (or steering groups, or equivalent for each organisation).

We also recognise that, for good and understandable reasons, there are increasing levels of expectation and responsibility placed on Boards from a variety of sources. This comes at a time when there is also a crucial movement to increase representation and diversity, which often necessitates proactive support for Board members from executive teams.

FAC is holding a variety of conversations and opportunities to support arts centre leaders to consider how working relationships between arts centre executives and Boards can keep strengthening.


In April 2024, we held a practical workshop with facilitated peer-learning to support CEOs in practical ways to work with their Boards and manage governance processes.

2024-25, we offered peer-mentoring designed to partner new arts centre leaders with someone who can offer bespoke support over 9 months, including gaining valuable experience by exchanging attendance at Board meetings.

In March 2025, our National Members Meeting will explore the relationship between CEOs and Chairs (or the equivalent for each organisation).

Future Arts Centres can also provide experienced speakers or facilitators for Boards, on governance topics and other related consultancy.