
Please browse through our annual reports and other useful documents. Some items are password-protected, please contact us if you would like to access them.

Creative Enterprise Presentations

In 2024, we started inviting a range of speakers to help us to keep developing our thinking about future opportunities for arts centres, inviting them to share their response to 'if you were running an arts centre, what would you do?' Slides from some of these presentations are available for FAC members to view.
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Inclusive Recruitment Report 2024

Diversifying our staff teams is a key agenda for most arts centres. Many of us have reviewed our recruitment policies and practices with varying degrees of success. There is a growing body of expertise in this area but time, resources and finding appropriate advice are all barriers to making effective changes.

The Inclusive Recruitment Action Research Group (October 2023 – March 2024) explored these issues and this document shares headline learning and ‘top tips’.

A group of staff and volunteers wearing lanyards, smiling and waving at the camera.
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Sector Insight Report 22/23

This report provides a snapshot of the arts centre sector, based on financial information relating to 2021/22 and 2022/23.

It is the first time that this information has been brought together to highlight the opportunities and challenges that exist within the arts centre sector.

It presents a mixed picture: clearly arts centres are under huge financial pressures, as a result of COVID recovery, high inflation and the cost of living crisis, but their business models offer opportunities to survive and grow with the right support.

Person looking at an photography exhibition of portraits all with moustaches and facial hair.
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Collaborative Commissioning Report 2024

The Collaborative Commissioning Action Research Group (September 2023 – March 2024) was set up to build on the success of commissioning models developed in arts centres. This report shares an overview of the activity and learning from the group.

Three children drawing and smiling at the camera
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Most Significant Change Report 2024

In 2023-2024, a Future Arts Centres action research group learned about the Most Significant Change evaluation methodology and tested how it can be used in a UK arts centres setting.

This report explains the Most Significant Change evaluation approach, the benefits and impact of the action research and what we learnt about the value of arts centres.

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Fundraising for arts centres: individual giving

Presentations giving as part of Future Arts Centres workshops with Achates on fundraising for arts centres, focussed on developing individual giving.
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Salary benchmarking 2024

Based on data submitted for salaries and rates as at 1 April 2024 from 66 UK arts centres.
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Salary benchmarking 2023

Based on data from 45 arts centres in Summer 2023
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Autumn 2021 Update

Browse the latest update on Future Arts Centres activity, including the National Lottery’s 25th Annniversary project, Here and Now, and the publication of a new book, Tactics for the Tightrope by Mark Robinson.

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Livelihood Assets Canvas – an exercise from Tactics for the Tightrope

To mark the publication of Tactics for the Tightrope, The Livelihood Assets Canvas helps the user to to take an asset-based approach – what do you have, rather than what do you lack.

Tactics for the Tightrope
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Tactics for the Tightrope: Creative Resilience for Creative Communities by Mark Robinson

Part manifesto, part toolkit, Tactics for the Tightrope shows how creative resilience can be a process of resistance not co-option, and can help anyone connect, collaborate and multiply the voices of creative communities, to move from hurt to hope.

Tactics for the Tightrope
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Salary benchmarking 2021

Based on data from 45 arts centres
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Global-Vision Final Report

Future Arts Centres ‘Eurovision’ project set out to explore how arts centres could work internationally, to find ways of working that retained our connections to our local communities whilst at the same time, benefited from international ideas, resources and networks.
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Salary benchmarking 2018

Based on data from 22 arts centres across the UK
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Annual Report 2016-17

This report covers activity undertaken by nine leading UK arts centres during 2016/17, and is intended to provide a snapshot of the artistic, social and economic contribution and impact the arts centre sector is making.

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Annual Report 2015-16

This report covers activity undertaken by nine leading UK arts centres during 2015/16, and is intended to provide a snapshot of the artistic, social and economic contribution and impact the arts centre sector is making.

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